Share Your Penn & Philly Story

Penn & Philly wants to spotlight the positive impact your program has on Philadelphia and the University itself! We’re looking for stories that deserve wider exposure — especially stories highlighting partnerships between Philadelphia residents and Penn scholars, staff, and students.

Include your School/Center/Department.
If you wish to include more than one submitter's email address, provide their contact addresses here.
Titles should not exceed 60–70 characters and should mention the school/department/center/program involved along with the main outcome/impact of the project. (Example: "Wharton Venture Lab Startup Challenge Winner Tackles Agricultural Waste.") To improve search engine results, our team will review and make recommendations on the final title on the Penn & Philly website.
If the author is an individual, please include their full name and title. If there isn’t an individual author, please provide both the department name and associated school.
Area of Focus(Required)
Choose which area of focus your story fits under. For definitions of the focus areas, please reference the provided toolkit.
Which Philadelphia neighborhood/area is the central focus of your story?
Please link out to or describe any other marketing efforts or social media posts produced to promote the story. This can be already published material or material that you’re planning to publish. (If the latter, include a description of how/where it will manifest.)
Upload the copy of the story in a word document (.doc), plus any related marketing materials. Most stories average at about 500–600 words. To improve search engine optimization (SEO), our team will review and make recommendations on the final copy on the Penn & Philly website.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 10 MB.
    Upload 2-3 images as .png or .jpg files (recommended size: 1200x800) that we have written permission to use on both the website and social media to promote the story.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 10 MB.
      Please list out the name of each image file, next to the appropriate photo credit (which is usually the name of the photographer).
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