Everyday Neuroscience is one of 13 ABCS courses that have been offered at Paul Robeson High School. Composed of hands-on biology and neuroscience activities that Penn students design and teach, the course aims to provide local Philadelphia students with new opportunities in STEM learning and career pathways.

“Many public schools serving students who are underrepresented in STEM fields lack the resources to provide the science education expected in the twenty-first century economy,” says Dr. Loretta Flanagan-Cato, Associate Professor of Psychology at Penn and co-director of the undergraduate neuroscience major who teaches Everyday Neuroscience. “Penn’s Netter Center for Community Partnerships provides funding to cover the cost of lab materials, the short ride on public transportation that brings the students to campus, and the stipend of the teaching assistants who escort them to campus.”
The program also helps prepare the students for the Keystone exams in all three subject areas (including literature and algebra).

“Our partnership with Penn has been extremely significant for the growth and development of all our students, particularly those who have come in with so many challenges and limited experiences,” said Richard Gordon, Roberson’s principal. “Our students feel so welcomed and part of this special community. Previously, they knew about Penn, but they’ve never had any experiences with it. Now they’re walking over there on a weekly basis and hanging out in Penn dorms or classrooms and interacting with Penn students. These opportunities are validating.”